Škrtica popusti

Info about Škrtica popusti
Škrtica popusti gives you benefits and discounts % all over the city in the facilities of our partners. See our specials daily and permanent offers to take further advantage of all the amazing benefits that Škrtica card gives you.
Address: JNA 1a lok.41
City: Negotin
Mobile: +381 64/9190-920
Email: info@skticapopusti.com
Website: www.skrticapopusti.com

Provided services
Service description: Creating a unique website with contact form, form to ordering cards, form for discounts submission by customer, back-end administration for discounts, web pages and companies. Web site has advanced search, sorting by Category, connection with social networks.
Name of service: Creating a unique website
Type: Dynamic website
Technique: xHTML, CSS, JS, PHP, MySQL
Number of pages: Unlimited
Deadline: 20 working days
Website: www.skrticapopusti.com

Service description: Logo design
Name of service: Logo design
Type: Vector logo
Technique: .jpg, .eps
Deadline: 3 working days

Opis usluge: Izrada dizajna škrtica kartice namenjenoj kupovini sa popustom.
Service description: Design of ID Cards
Tip: Static image
Technique: .jpg, .eps
Deadline: 3 working days

Opis usluge: Izrada dizajna flajera u standardnoj dimenziji 12x16cm.
Service description: Paper marketing design
Type: 12x16cm
Technique: .jpg, .eps
Deadline: 3 working days

Service description: Designing posters in standard A3 size.
Name of service: Paper marketing design
Type: A3
Technique: .jpg, .eps
Deadline: 3 working days

Service description: Labels design 9x9cm.
Name of service: Paper marketing design
Type: 9x9cm
Technique: .jpg, .eps
Deadline: 1 working day